We are Your Provider for the
Blueprint to Neuropathy
Protocol in Charlotte

It Doesn’t Matter If You Have...

   -Diabetic Neuropathy
   -Post ChemoTherapy Neuropathy
   -Neuropathy Induced by Statin Drug (cholesterol lowering drugs) Usage
   -Idiopathic (unknown cause) Neuropathy

...The Rules Around Healing The Nerves Don’t Change

There was a time in your life when you didn’t have the tingling, burning, sharp shooting sensations in your hands or feet. The kind of pain that keeps you up at night and makes you wonder if there is any enjoyment left in life. It may have started as an occasional numb spot or tingling in your toes or fingers then it became more frequent and eventually painful.
The worst time of day may be at night time. You can’t get comfortable and the pain keeps you tossing and turning. The pain may even wake you up at night disrupting your peace and comfort. You may have started limiting your activities and social time or stopped enjoying vacations altogether because you can’t imagine walking at a park, or even Disney with your grand kids.
Neuropathy can disturb your balance - and that can be a very serious problem.  Loss of balance and injuries related to poor balance are a serious concern. Hip fractures, broken arms and concussions can all occur because of poor balance related to loss of foot sensation. A study by Richardson et. al. found diabetics with EMG-confirmed peripheral neuropathy were 23 times more likely to report instability resulting in a fall or injury. It’s important to recognize this very real danger and work toward prevention.

We also know that recovery from peripheral neuropathy is very real, very possible! We can almost bet that you’ve never been told that, have you? Most patients are just given the option to take pills for pain relief. Doctors usually tell patients that the damage is permanent. Most patients give up at this point and never find the treatment options that will allow them to actually heal their damaged nerves.

Most patients are being told their peripheral nerve damage is permanent. That you just need to learn how to live with it. That there is nothing to do except take a “cover up” pill to mask the real problem. You’re not even given a fighting chance at a corrective treatment. Well, I’m here to tell you that Neuropathy Does NOT have to be a life sentence.

With All The Advances In Technology Why Can’t We Eliminate Neuropathy And Nerve Damage?
Did you know that MOST Peripheral Neuropathy treatments simply cover up the symptoms while your body continues to destroy your nerves? By thinking outside the box and applying well grounded science and research, related to nerve health and function, we’ve put together the most advanced Neuropathy solution program ever.  The formula is deceptively simple: Give the nerves what they need to survive and recover.  Literally, set the stage and give your nervous system the best possible chance to reverse that nerve damage.

How Is Nerve Recovery Accomplished?

Give the nerves oxygen, proper blood sugar, specific nutrients and stimulation while removing inflammation and you have set the stage for nerve healing. We’ve created a program that addresses each part of the equation and in
our opinion gives you the best possible chance for nerve healing and real relief.
So, if you are feeling these symptoms...

•    Foot pain
•    Wrist/Hand/Finger Pain
•    Burning sensations
•    Numbness
•    Tingling
•    Sharp shooting sensations in your hands or feet
•    Electrical sensations in your hands or feet
•    Loss of balance
•    Can’t feel the ground

...Contact our office to schedule an appointment, and during the in-office consultation we will lay out for you the fundamental approach we use in our practice.
Discover how we safely diagnose and relieve the underlying conditions that are actually causing your problems and perpetuating needless suffering.

We are Your Provider for the
Blueprint to Neuropathy
Protocol in Charlotte

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